Solar Panel Repairs and Maintenance

Solar Panel Repairs and Maintenance

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Solar Panel Repairs and Maintenance

Although the residential solar panels atop your roof are designed to withstand the harshest of elements, there’s still a small change of damage or wear and tear. Perth Solar Power Installations offer the very best in repair and maintenance services.

It’s important to have a team on call who is able to professionally clean and maintain them, which will ensure they last for decades to come. Your panels themselves may become dusty and ineffective, or you might even be dealing with an animal infestation damaging your inverter

The most common issues that our customers see before giving us a call for solar panel repairs and maintenance here in Perth include:

  1. A faulty inverter
  2. Continual poor power output
  3. A damaged or cracked glass pane
  4. Loose or disconnected cabling
  5. Suspected faulty panels

With these issues in mind, we highly suggest giving the team a call, even if just for an assessment. We’ll be able to let you know our opinion on the best way to deal with these issues and what to expect once the panels have been repaired.

You may also notice melted cabling or even burn marks around your solar panel’s cabling an inverter, which is a telltale sign you’ll need an urgent repair.

Is Maintaining Necessary?

For solar panel owners in Perth, it’s far too easy to overlook your panels once they’ve been installed, however, if you want to get the most out of them, you’ll need to have them maintained.

There may be damaged glass atop the PV panels, inverters may be working incorrectly or the panels themselves may be failing, which you’d never know about without a repair team.

A few of the perks of having a team on call to look after your panels includes:

  1. Continually reaching peak efficiency
  2. Prolonging the life of your panels
  3. Reducing your risk of electrical shock
  4. Reducing your risk of a fire

It’s also important to keep in mind that forgoing a solar panel cleaning in Perth could leave you with a thin layer of silt that builds up atop the glass. In time, this will become thicker and thicker and leave you with hundreds of dollars worth of lost savings!

We suggest utilising a local solar panel maintenance team to clean your panels at least once every twelve months.

Preventing Degradation

For Perth homeowners investing in renewable energy, it’s imperative to understand that panels will slowly degrade over time if they’re not maintained. Factors including rain, sleet, hail, dust, saline air and temperature work to slowly erode and damage your panels.

With these factors in mind, it becomes essential to have your panels maintained and repaired if you wish to keep them operational for their intended lifespan. You’ll also save on adding another costly panel, in the event one fails.

Our Procedure

What Happens During a Solar Panel Repair and Maintenance Service

The process of a solar panel service is relatively straightforward though somewhat essential to keeping them operating effectively. If your panels require a clean, this will also be included in the maintenance service.

The following tasks are undertaken in a solar panel clean:

  • A safety inspection

    to ensure the system has been installed correctly, doesn’t feature any defects and is not putting anyone at risk or injury.

  • Error checking and inverter analysis

    which will allow your repair and maintenance team to delve into whether there are any efficiency or operational issues with the panels and their supporting electronics.

  • A general clean and tidy up

    if there are no major issues with your panels, the team will move forward with a clean and tidy of the panels. All dust and grime will be stripped from the panels, as will any leaves and other debris.

    Following your annual or bi-annual solar panel maintenance service in Perth, you’ll have pristine, safe and effective solar panels that are ready to save you big on your energy bill.

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